Monday, October 11, 2010

Wau Jala Budi

The name of Wau Jala Budi is derived froma leaf found in Kedah, which is call as 'budi' leaf. The tail of the it, is similar to the 'budi' leaf, and the word 'jala' refer to the structure of its tail. Nevertheless, its basic shape and design is similar to the other wau. When flown, its produce a medium buzzing drone emitted from the 'hummer' which located at the head of it. The appearance of it also similar to 'Chula Kite' originated from Thailand.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wau Bulan

Among the traditional kites, Wau Bulan is the most popular and most attractive in appearance. It's call Wau Bulan because of its crescent shape and tailpiece. According to legend, it originated from Sri Vijaya Empire and symbolizes the reunification of the empire by Dewa Muda. Wau Bulan was used by Dewa Muda as a guide to determined the designated area to be conquered. The Wau Bulan today has since undergone much modification and changes and it is widely use in Kelantan until today.
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